Please see pages 10-11 of the 2022 Syllabus for a full listing of all Honours Awards, inlcuding a note about general eligibility for Awards.
Piano Awards
First Year of Study Award
This $25 bursary is awarded to the participant who achieves the highest mark in the First Year of Study class.
Jerry Tickner Piano Competition Award
Eligibility criteria to be determined and announced by the end of January, 2018. Will be open to participants performing at the Grade 8 or higher Piano level.
H. J. Martin Award
This plaque accompanied by a $100 bursary is presented by the Cariboo Festival in appreciation of Mr. Martin’s many piano tunings for past festivals. This trophy is an Adjudicator’s Choice of a promising intermediate participant. An eligible participant must have entered a minimum of three pieces, of contrasting styles, in the Classical Conservatory Division of the Festival piano syllabus, which can but does not have to include a Concert class.
Gail Carson Romantic Competition
This perpetual plaque and $100 bursary award is open to paricipants between the ages of11 and 16, from Grade 5 and up, performing Chopin, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Schumann, Schubert or Liszt from memory. This plaque is an Adjudicator’s Choice and is donated in memory of Gail Carson and in recognition of musicianship and interpretation of Romantic music by a young performer.
Junior Piano Award
This $50 bursary is awarded to a promising participant in the Junior category who enters three graded pieces of contrasting styles from any of the recognized Classical Syllabi (examples: RCM, VCM, CCM, etc.), and can include one (1) ensemble entry. The award will be given to the participant with the highest average mark based on their applicable pieces.
Sommer–Ivory Keys Award
This $25 bursary is to be awarded to one participant at the Junior or Intermediate level. The participant must have performed 3 pieces, 2 of which must be from a recognized Conservatory Syllabus such as The Royal Conservatory, Canada Conservatory, Contemporary Idioms Syllabus, or any other recognized Conservatory Syllabus, but excluding the RCM Popular Syllabus. One of the selections must be from the Contemporary Idioms Syllabus. One selection may be chosen at the teacher’s and student’s discretion not listed in a syllabus but should reflect the student’s grade level as closely as possible. Emphasis is to be placed on interpretation ability of the participant, not technical perfection. This is an Adjudicator's Choice Award.
E. G. Woodland Bursary
This bursary is presented to a participant of outstanding ability and musical talent who has competed in the Senior Division as a soloist. This $150 bursary is provided to help a student further their musical career and is open to students of any instrument.